We identify your creative blind spots and provide you with quick and easy wins that you can immediately test and reduce your CPA

We identify your creative blind spots and provide you with quick and easy wins that you can immediately test and reduce your CPA

We identify your creative blind spots and provide you with quick and easy wins that you can immediately test and reduce your CPA
















Do These Challenges Sound Familiar?

Do These Challenges Sound Familiar?

Have budget to scale but no Creatives to test

Have budget to scale but no Creatives to test

Have budget to scale but no Creatives to test

Lack of new ideas to generate new creatives

Lack of new ideas to generate new creatives

Lack of new ideas to generate new creatives

High CPM despite refreshing creatives

High CPM despite refreshing creatives

High CPM despite refreshing creatives

Creative testing feels like throwing spaghetti on the wall

Creative testing feels like throwing spaghetti on the wall

Creative testing feels like throwing spaghetti on the wall

We Help Advertisers With

We Help Advertisers With

We Help Advertisers With




Level Attribution

Market Research

Design & Produce

Level Attribution

Level Attribution

Market Research

Design & Produce

Level Attribution

Level Attribution

Market Research

Design & Produce

Level Attribution

We understand your challenges in making high converting creatives.

We combine our 12 year expertise in Data Science, Tracking, Generative AI with 3 years expertise in Advertising, Copywriting to provide you with creatives that convert.

Creative Level Attribution

Creative Level Attribution

We track what aspects of your creatives are working across metrics without you working on laborious naming conventions.

We provide custom real-time dashboards which helps you take data-driven decision in making new creatives.

We track what aspects of your creatives are working across metrics without you working on laborious naming conventions.

We provide custom real-time dashboards which helps you take data-driven decision in making new creatives.

Creative Market Research

Creative Market Research

Have you ever run out of new ideas to test your creatives?

We analysis your Ads, Competitor Ads, Comments, User Reviews, Reddit posts to give you a platform to select proven untested ideas and easily generate unlimited ads with creative briefs.

Ever run out of new ideas to test creatives?

We analysis your Ads, Competitor Ads, Comments, User Reviews, Reddit posts to give you a platform to select proven untested ideas and easily generate unlimited ads with creative briefs.

Creative Design & Produce

Creative Design & Produce

How to produce highly effective Creatives cheaper and faster?

Apart from the GenAI ads using Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, LLMs, RunwayML we also generate UGC Creatives faster and cheaper.

How to produce highly effective Creatives cheaper and faster?

Apart from the GenAI ads using Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, LLMs, RunwayML we also generate UGC Creatives faster and cheaper.

Product-In-Use Ads

Instead of product in plain background, we reimagine the products in lifestyle scenarios. This elevates customer's experience and prompts them for purchase.

Emotion Provoking Ads

Based on market research, we identify the pain points/benefits customers are looking out for and create ads demonstrating those insights, emotionally resonating with them.


Apart from AI Ads like above, we create UGC ads by collaborating with creators. We fine-tune LLM models to create video scripts in brand's voice.

Product Images

We help your ads stand out from your competitor ads by creating variations of your plain background product images.

Meet Our Founder

Santosh GSK


With his earned skills as a Data Scientist over a decade, he thrives to solve challenges in Advertising. Following Steve Wozniak’s rule of Be Your Own Customer, he immersed himself in Advertising before he started building AI applications to solve advertising challenges.

He is on a mission to make Advertising the most efficient growth channel for businesses.

We Helped AlgoFox 7x Their Revenues In 12 Months

We Helped AlgoFox 7x Their Revenues In 12 Months

We did Performance Marketing, Ad Creatives, CRO to scale Algofox's ad accounts across Meta and Google and achieve 7x revenue growth with 5x ROAS.

We did Performance Marketing, Ad Creatives, CRO to scale Algofox's ad accounts across Meta and Google and achieve 7x revenue growth with 5x ROAS.

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Get Free Creative Audit

Get Free Creative Audit

Are you having a creative block? Unable to come up with new ideas?

We will provide you with 30+ proven creative ideas which you haven't tested yet for your brand, for free.

Fill the form below to get started

Are you having a creative block? Unable to come up with new ideas?

We will provide you with 30+ proven creative ideas which you haven't tested yet for your brand, for free.

Fill the form below to get started
